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Camp Chicory & Coffee Essence 12 x 241ml

UOS: Case
In Stock
  • Inner Barcode :5060016814003
  • Outer Barcode : 05060016824002
  • Cases per Pallet : 210
  • Cases per Layer : 35
  • Unit Format : Bottle - Plastic


  • Camp Chicory & Coffee Essence – a delicious blend of coffee and chicory that has been delighting customers for over 140 years. Camp Coffee is the perfect way to add some extra flavour to your favourite recipes. Whether you’re making coffee drinks, bakes or desserts, this timeless classic adds just the right amount of flavour.
  • Camp Chicory & Coffee Essence is an easy way to enhance any recipe. Enjoy café-style treats at home with cappuccinos or hot chocolate made with Camp Coffee or bake up a treat with delicious brownies, showstopping cakes and even ice-cream!
  • Vegetarian Society Vegan approved
  • Other Colours

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