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Doing Business Better

Our work to deliver the best service and products, with full commitment to positive social and environmental impact.

Acting as a responsible business – one which is fully committed to positive social and environmental impact – is something we want to become an integral part of our day-to-day operations at RH Amar. 

We developed our CSR strategy - what we call Doing Business Better - to guide us on our sustainability journey. The strategy comprises three key pillars designed to balance purpose with profit:

Better For Our Planet

Better For Our Planet

We want to reduce our environmental impact, with an ambition of becoming Net Zero by 2030.


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Better For Our Planet

Better For Our Communities

Maximising our social impact, through our 10% of net profits to charity initiative and support for our local community.


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Better for our people

Better For Our People

Having policies and practices in place which recognise and value our colleagues, and everyone in our supply chains.


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Want to know more?

Read our RH Amar Impact Report for 2023.